The First Baptist Church at Conshohocken

Hear and Read the Word

Pastor Brad has a weekly radio program, sermons, and what he likes to call Meditations and Meanderings.

All here for you anytime.

But I Am a Man of Prayer

I’m not certain that we have anything left to do, by which I don’t mean that we should be so heavenly-minded that we are of no earthly value.  Nor am I certain that the kind of prayer that we have heretofore put forth will produce much, if anything, as much of...

A Year Both Before & Behind Us

Any time a new word or phrase warrants a new entry to the lexicon of English idiom is a moment of momentous consideration, at least to me.  I love the English language in all of its breadth & splendor and (if we are to be honest), a richness that sometimes...

12 Steps for Christians: Step I

12 Steps for Christians: Step I

Pastor Lacey and Brother Page Tyler share an overview of the 12 Steps for Christians in recovery, as well as offer a concentration on Step 1: "We admitted we were powerless over the effects of addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable," drawing upon the text...