Hear and Read the Word
Pastor Brad has a weekly radio program, sermons, and what he likes to call Meditations and Meanderings.
All here for you anytime.
The Necessity & Power of the Holy Spirit for the Church, Acts 1:2 (Sunday, May 23, 2021)
Pastor Lacey shares from the pulpit concerning our need as the church for the steady and abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit, as well as for His enabling power and instruction.
A Devotional Essay thru Psalm 27, Part VIII: “Wait for the Lord!”
Pastor Lacey concludes a series of devotional essays through Psalm 27, culminating with the Davidic charge to wait upon God in the full assurance of God’s Presence throughout the wait and as the end-result of the wait!
A Devotional Essay thru Psalm 27, Part VII: “Teach Me Your Way, O Lord”
Pastor Lacey continues his devotional explorations through Psalm 27; here he highlights vv. 11 and 12, with the passage centered around “Teach me Your ways, O Lord.”
A Devotional Essay thru Psalm 27, Part VI: “I Will Seek Your Face, O Lord!”
King David cried aloud to the Lord amidst his terrible trials, desiring the comfort and joy of God’s sustaining and delivering Presence – We should do the same!
A Devotional Essay thru Psalm 27, Part V: “Let Us Sing & Make Melody to the Lord!”
God will protect us before anyone or anything that comes against us. He will lift us above the fray, elevating us over our adversaries and bringing us to a place in our hearts from where we will give God glory, especially through song!
A Reasonable, Hard-Working God Isaiah 1:10-20 Sunday, May 2, 2021
God is always at His work, drawing us to Himself with an eminently reasonable proposition to sinful men and women, a proposition of saving power, a proposition that warrants an answer, one way or the other.