Hear and Read the Word
Pastor Brad has a weekly radio program, sermons, and what he likes to call Meditations and Meanderings.
All here for you anytime.
The Disciples Waited upon the Lord; So Should We, Acts 1:12-14 (Sunday, July 18, 2021)
The disciples returned from time with the resurrected Jesus to more normative existence, amidst which they obeyed and prayerfully waited upon Jesus.
We Are Under Orders from Jesus to Wait! (Acts 1:1-5)
Pastor Lacey talks about what it means for God’s people to wait upon Him in trust and hope and expectation of His Spirit to come upon us for His purpose with our lives.
“Waiting Proves to Be Our Best Course of Action” (Sunday, June 13, 2021)
Jesus instructs His followers to wait right where they are for the gift of the Holy Spirit – We are under orders, no matter what our inclinations, ideas or impulses may otherwise be!